Resize Jpeg Images for Free

With Fotor's free image resizer, resize JPEG images online without sacrificing quality.

You can easily resize any image to the exact size or ratio in seconds.

Resize a portrait with fotor photo resizer
Resize dog image without stretching

Effortlessly Resize Jpeg Image

Fotor online image resizer helps resize images to your desired sizes in a few clicks. Dragging and dropping your Jpeg image to canvas, and adjusting the image size or aspect ratio, the Fotor's photo resizer processes the image size to achieve your desired effect quickly. The image won't ever be stretched out to look distorted.

Resize Jpeg Now
Resize a mountain photo without losing quality

Resize Jpeg Without Losing Quality

Resizing Jpeg images sometimes results in blurred or pixelated, you don't have to compromise in this situation. You can easily make a Jpeg file smaller without losing its quality with Fotor's image resizer online. Change the dimensions of your images while keeping their details.

Resize Jpeg Now
reduce the size of little boy and girl image

Freely Change the Size of The Image

Drag the corners or edges of the canvas to resize, freely resize jpg to your preferred size without compressing the image quality. Instantly reduce the JPG image size to KB, or upscale images to 2x or 4x.

Resize Jpeg Now
Resize a photo with a transparent background

Reduce the Jpeg File Size in Seconds

Reduce the size of large photos to make them smaller, so they can be easier to upload and share. You can quickly shrink image file size to kb without compromising on quality, and optimize the image size for social media and other platforms with the image resizer.

Resize Jpeg Now
Resize skiing image for social media

Resize Jpeg Images for Social Media

Fotor online image resizer simplifies image post-processing. Easily resize images with a few clicks. Fotor supports resizing images to an exact size, you can choose to resize images in pixels or percentages, without worrying about damaging the image quality. Now, you don't have to worry about the size of your images, no matter if you want to resize images for Instagram, or make YouTube thumbnails. Cause the edited image is already perfect and clear enough!

Resize Jpeg Now

FAQs about Resize Jpeg Images

What’s the difference between resizing an image and cropping an image?

How Do I Reduce The File Size of a Jpeg Photo?

How do I resize an image without losing quality?

Resize images online with Fotor's Photo Resizer

Resize Jpeg Now