Facebook QR Code Generator

Get a QR code for your Facebook page online in minutes with Fotor free Facebook QR code generator.

Sharing your Facebook page of your account, brand, or marketing business by generating a QR code with Fotor today!

Pattern Color
Background Color
Eye Style
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Facebook qr code with facebook page

Quick & Fast QR Code Generator for Facebook

Easy to generate QR code for Facebook page with Fotor online Facebook QR code generator. Massive QR code options are provided in Fotor for you to customize. Just put the url of Facebook page you want to share in our QR code generator and choose the prefer settings to suit your taste. The perfect Facebook QR code will be generated automatically in seconds. Making your first QR code with Fotor free online QR code generator Today!

Create FB QR Code
Facebook qr code with customize options

Get a Personalized Facebook Account QR Code

Fotor offers the advanced customization for unique profile QR code to standout from the crowd. You are able to customize your QR code logo, background, color, and shapes. Creating eye-catching circle shape Facebook profile QR code with self-identify symbol can attract more attentions to share your Facebook account page. Give your account page a new try for more followers with Fotor!

Create FB QR Code
Facebook post with page qr code

Facebook Page QR Code for Brand Promotion

Bring more business opportunities for your brand promotion with trendy online QR code generator. Fotor provides the best QR code generator for a permanent QR code to access the brand or business pages on Facebook. It allows you to add your brand QR code on other marketing materials for more information of your brand and streamline the process for users to visit.

Create FB QR Code
Create a qr code for facebook in fotor online facebook qr code generator

How to Create Facebook QR Code?

  • Click the "Create FB QR Code " button to switch to Fotor's online free QR code generator.
  • Copy your Facebook page URL to our QR code generator, and start to customize your QR code.
  • You can personalize the QR code to match your Facebook page aesthetic. Change colors, sizes, and shapes, add logos, rearrange layouts, and much more to make it unique.
  • Preview and download your Facebook page QR code to apply anywhere you need.
Create FB QR Code