Censor Image

Censor images and photos instantly from your web browser.

With Fotor’s free online image censor tool, you can blur, pixelate, or add a black bar to any image to create censored images with ease.

Censor image online in seconds with Fotor's free image censor

Fast, Easy, and Reliable Image Censor Tool

Add censor blur to picture using Fototr's free online image censor tool

Add Censor Blur to Pictures

Apply a smooth censor blur effect to sensitive areas of your images to safeguard personal information and protect identities. With Fotor’s image censorer, you can quickly blur censor a picture in just a few simple clicks- blur faces and text, hide license plates, and protect any sensitive information in your photos. Effortlessly blur images to obscure details and anonymize photos in no time!

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Pixelate photo to create censored image using Fotor's image censor tool

Create Censored Image With Pixelation

Censoring pictures has never been easier with our instant pixelate effect feature. Just mark the desired censored area, and watch our image censor tool automatically pixelate the picture for you. In addition, you have complete control over the intensity of the pixelation and the brush size to suit your needs. Effectively pixelate and mosaic images to conceal information and protect privacy.

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Add black bar over eye for censorship with Fotor

Censor Pictures With Black Censor Bar

When it comes to censoring the face of a person in photographs, adding solid black rectangular bars is a common method for censorship. With our censor image tool, you can now effortlessly add black bars to the eyes or face as per your requirements. Easily black out images to hide sensitive information while maintaining a professional appearance.

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Various high resolution censored bars and signs PNGs to use for free on Fotor's image censor

Various Free Censored Bars and Signs to Use

Our image censor editor goes beyond traditional image censor methods. You’ll get access to a huge library of high-resolution censored bars, signs, and graphics you can freely apply to your images. No matter what kind of information you want to censor- confidential information, personal data, or explicit content, you can easily find appropriate censored PNGs for your images. Image anonymization made easy with Fotor.

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Why Choose Fotor to Censor Photos?

Gradient purple clock icon

Easy to Use

Instantly censor images online without the need for complex software or technical skills.

Gradient purple badge icon

Various Censorship Options

Add black bars, pixelate, or blur to censor any part of an image you want.

Gradient purple mobile friendly icon

Multi-Platform Supported

Create censored images on desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices anytime and anywhere.

Fotor image censor interface

How to Censor a Picture?

  • It’s easy and fast to censor photos with Fotor. Upload the image you want to censor to Fotor’s image censor.
  • Select the censor effect that suits your needs- blur, pixelate, or black bar.
  • Mark the area in your image that needs to be censored with the brush tool to apply the censor effect. Fine-tune the level of censorship as needed to achieve the desired look.
  • Once done, download the censored image in high-quality image formats of your choice. That’s it!
Censor Image Now

The Easiest and Fastest Way to Censor Image Online

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