How to Convert HEIC to JPG on Windows: Overall Guides

Summary: This is a post that shares easy and quick tips on how to change HEIC to JPC on Windows, including using the inbuilt Photos app and an online HEIC to JPG converter on the Web.

convert the female portrait heic image to jpg format

Finding your HEIC format does not work on your Windows? Since HEIC is one of Apple’s default formats and related to Live Photos, it has something different from the widely seen image file formats, such as JPG, JPEG, PNG, and more.

Usually, HEIC file is not compatible, and devices without professional HEIC extensions cannot view HEIC images if you are not using the iOS system, thus you may need to change HEIC to JPG for more possibilities.

If you are looking for how to convert HEIC to JPG on Windows, you’ve come to the right place. Here we will share the step-by-step guide to lead you to successful HEIC to JPG conversion. Let’s get started!

How to Convert HEIC to JPG on Windows Using Photos App

Actually, Windows allows its users to turn HEIC to JPG by using the inbuilt Photos app, which means you don’t have to download any other HECI extension. Here are the detailed steps you need to follow to convert the HEIC file to JPG on Windows.

  • First of all, you should open your own HEIC image with the built-in Windows Photos app.
open the sunrising lanscape heic image using photos app on windows
  • Click the “” on the top toolbar, and then find the “Save as” option in the new popup window.
click the three dots icon on the top of the toolbar
  • Click it, and you will see the “Save as” option.
click save as in the photos app on windows
  • Then, choose and click “.jpg” from the option bar.
save the sunrising landscape as the jpg format on windows
  • Finally, click “Save” and you have successfully converted HEIC image to JPG on Windows.
view the converted sunrising landscape jpg detail information on windows

How to Convert HEIC to JPG on Windows Using Online Converter

Moreover, you can have instant access to conversion from HEIC to JPG file on your Windows—online HEIC to JPG converter. This is an easier and faster way for you, as it just requires a “drag-and-drop” operation instead of downloading and installing professional image converter software.

Fotor online heic to jpg converter

Enjoy the instant conversion using Fotor's free online HEIC to JPG converter.

High quality & batch conversion supported, up to 50 image files uploaded.

Start Free Conversion Now

Fotor offers its instant photo converter from HEIC to JPG that can transform your files to the desired formats within less than 1 second. And it sets a toolbar for you to have custom options of image quality, including original, high, medium, low, and customize.

Besides, Fotor’s online HEIC to JPG converter ensures that you can have the pixel and resolution lossless conversion experience. You can see that on the detailed information bar of output or the converted image. More than that, you can see the image size, image format, and ratio information of your converted JPG.

The greatest part of the Fotor online HEIC to JPG converter is that you can convert multiple HEIC files at once and it costs a few seconds to finish conversion despite how many HEIC images uploaded. Thus, if you are a photographer or blogger who always has a pile of HEIC images to be converted, you should give the Fotor batch image converter from HEIC to JPG a try! That will definitely save you time and speed up your workflow!

Here’s how to convert HEIC to JPG online using Fotor’s HEIC converter:

  • Open Fotor’s HEIC to JPG converter.
fotor online heic to jpg converter interface
  • Drag and drop or upload all your HEIC image files to the converter.
upload three heic images to fotor online heic to jpg converter
  • Then, you can choose the target image file format “JPG” on the right option bar.
choose the jpg as the target image format
  • You can also choose the image quality of the output or the converted JPG file.
choose the high quality heic to jpg conversion
  • Wait for one second, and your HEIC image will be transformed to JPC without any quality loss.
fotor finishes converting heic to jpg formats
  • Lastly, you can download and apply your converted JPG as needed.


Compared to widely used and popular JPG formats, HEIC file lacks compatibility and it works basically on Apple devices. If you don’t have the HEIC extension, it may not work when you want to view the Live Photos. Thus, you should take HEIC to JPG conversion into consideration when there’s a need for that.

In this blog, we’ve shared how to convert HEIC to JPG on Windows using the inbuilt Photos app and an online HEIC to JPG converter. With the two methods, you can finish your conversion effortlessly.


1. What is a HEIC file?

HEIC is a contemporary image format developed by the MPEG group and embraced by Apple as the default format for images on iOS 11 and newer versions, as well as macOS High Sierra and later. HEIC files provide advantages like smaller sizes, transparency and animation support, and enhanced image quality. Nevertheless, compatibility with HEIC files can differ among platforms and devices.

2. Why do we need to change HEIC to JPG?

The JPG format is widely recognized and can be accessed on older and newer devices. Converting to JPG also simplifies editing, uploading, and storage since some software and online platforms prefer or require JPG files. Ultimately, the conversion offers more accessibility, compatibility, and flexibility for managing and sharing images.